Extra Value

Get Real Value with New England Time Solutions

At New England Time Solutions, we take great pride in providing our customers with the best service, the best deals, and the best time and attendance products.

We want your experience to exceed expectations, so we've presented some of our value-added services and perks here for our valued customers across New England - and beyond.

Unlike many time and attendance companies, New England Time Solutions is happy to help customers - free for quick questions (we even answer questions if you're not a customer!). It may seem strange, but many time and attendance companies are much less accessible - and much more costly.

Setup & Configuration

  • Electronic Time Clocks
  • We deliver time clocks that are truly plug-and-play, configured for your system and your specific liking. We configure electronic time clocks to print automatically or manually, configure the time format, daylight savings time settings, printing side (right or left), and much more.
  • Calculating Time Clocks
  • New England Time Solutions is happy to configure pay period type, pay rules, breaks, and more to deliver each calculating time clock as a plug-and-play device that is setup specifically for you. We review the capabilities of your selected time clock with you to determine exactly how you'd like your system to work.
  • Time & Attendance Systems
  • Our time and attendance systems are shipped with everything ready to go. Again, we discuss each feature of the system and configure the system based on your feedback. Once delivered, we can also provide complete integration services or remote support over the phone to make the process as easy as possible for you.

Too often over the past 40 years, we've had companies come to us only after abandoning the integration of another - typically expensive - system. Don't spend a lot of money on a machine or a system that won't do the job. Get an expert that can guide you in the right direction - and get it done right the first time.

Learn more about how New England Time Solutions helps you save on your time and attendance system or contact us to get started today.