Town Clerks Time Stamp, Repairs and Supplies

New England Time Solutions provides products and service to many municipalities throughout New England. We sell new machines and supplies at discounted prices while still providing high quality factory authorized service and support for most of the major brands in the time recording industry including Rapidprint, Widmer and Acroprint. We also provide service and supplies for discontinued models from Simplex and Lathem. We offer onsite or cost effective depot service with loan clocks as well as yearly service agreement plans.

New England Time Solutions also carries a complete line of numbering and check signing machines by Rapidprint and Widmer.

Currently featured machines.

Rapidprint AR-E 


 AR-E Time Stamp                                     rapidprint-ar-e-time-stamp-sample2.png

Rapidprint AR-E Information



Widmer T-3



Widmer T-3 Information




Lathem LT5000 Electronic Time and Date Stamp


Lathem LT5000 Electronic Time and Date Stamp        Lathem LT5000 Electronic Time and Date Stamp

Up to 4 Programmed Print Styles that can be easily switched between. Automatically changes at the end of the month, and adjusts for Daylight Savings Time.


Lathem LT5000 Information



Replacement Ribbons for Widmer and Rapidprint

$10.00 each when ordering 2 or more, $8.00 each for 12 or more

Ribbon for RapidPrint ARC, ADE, ARL, ANE, ARI, & ARE

Widmer & Rapidprint Replacement Ribbons

Call or email us today for supplies or for help solving your time recording issues 1-888-222-3396 or